All these resolutions I didn’t keep….

First of all let me wish you all a very happy 2013!!! 2012 had its ups and downs but I have a feeling that 2013 will be an amazing year.

So last year I posted the following new year resolutions on this blog, let’s see how I have done with that. As we will guess, not that great as I wanted to as I forgot about most of these resolutions as soon as February started.

1) I will be more consistent in my training: NOT REALLY, Yes I did workout and ran my second half marathon in a time I was really happy with but I wasn’t as consistent as I wish I would have been!

2) I will graduate (that’s for sure) with a 1st class degree! : YES! It did happen, happy days 🙂

3) I will STOP stalking people on Facebook and Twitter when I am bored: NO!  that didn’t happen. At all. I am not sure if it is stalking but I am doing a lot of Facebook/Twitter procrastination. Especially when I am in the library..

4) I will cook more often  and  try to avoid spending money on crappy food. NO! I had FAR too much of this in 2012. And let me tell you, after seeing this KFC brain picture I think I’ll stay away from junk food for a while !

5) I will lose a bit more weight : NOT REALLY, I think I lost a kilo compared to last year. That is after a week of gym. So ermmmm

6) I will get a new job and move forward : YES and NO. Right so I am still in the same job but I also have a new job at the General Assembly where I am a teacher for their user acquisition marketing course. It is really relevant to what I want to do so I guess to this extend I moved forward..

7) I will visit a new country (at least) : NO! And if there is one resolution I wish I would have been able to keep it is this one. Bring on 2013 and its travels!

8) I will read more and perfect my English: YES! I think the reading part is a big yes. Indeed the main difference between being an undergraduate and a postgraduate student is definitely the amount of required reading. The last three months of 2012 have been spent reading, day, night, lunch,at the gym, in bed, in the tube, everywhere!

9) I will call my mum more often YES! That I did, O2 is certainly happy about it and my bank account isn’t. But I am glad I did. I love my mum and living away from home actually brought us closer. And I know she misses me so let’s make her smile more and call more 🙂

10) I will learn to sometimes put myself first :YES! I actually did that a lot more. And it feels great!

VERDICT: 5 out of 10 

Right, not great but hey I won’t beat myself up too much. Instead I’ll try to actually make these 5 missing resolutions happen. To this I’d add

1) Pass my masters: And not especially with a distinction although it would be great,a merit would be good too!

2) Get a new job in my field of studies: This is THE resolution of the year. IT’s not even a resolution really but is HAS to happen

3) Spend more time with my friends and family: A normal Monday to Friday rota should hopefully help doing that!

4) Keep going to the theatre classes: Because I love it and it helps me to learn a lot on myself

5) Stop drinking diet coke on an everyday basis: Because let’s be honest as much as I love it is isn’t really good for my body. And now that I am soon to be in the 30’s side I might as well show some love to this body.

That is it I think. What about you? Any good resolutions this year?

Paris, my top 5 tips

1. All museums are free the first Sunday of the month….

So if you are in the capital around that time it is the perfect timing to go and visit. Unlike London, museums are not free in Paris except on these days. It is generally crowded so arriving early in the morning is a must

2. Backpakers, looking for a fun free tour of the city?


So here is your deal. Sandemans new Europe offer great tours and the guide are payed on a tips only basis. I did few of them in Europe and it has always been a great moment. Often the highlight of the trip. Check it out!

3. Get on the top of the Montparnasse Tower for the best view possible


Everyone wants to get on the top of the Eiffel Tower, but really isn’t the Eiffel Tower the highlight of Paris? And the thing is when you are on it…. well you can’t see it. The montparnasse Tower is 689 feets hight and open until 10.30 pm. The tips will be to go for sunset time to have stunning sunset and night time picture. What more: it is cheaper than the Eiffel Tower

4. Friday night skating or cycling


If you can stand and make your way around with roller blades this is for you. Every Friday night. It starts at 10 am and last for 3 hours. A great fun and ludic way to discover the French capital. If you are not confortable on roller blades go and take a Velib, it is fun and the first 30 minutes are free Check the website bellow for more info

5. Go to a restaurant and order a tournedos Rossini with a glass of red wine


Because life can’t get better than that. For the wine, mature red wine such as St Emilion, Medoc or Pomerol would be perfect